Successful individuals have basic routines and work habits that keep them on that top bar. They are really simple tips that all of us, irrespective of your position should take heed of. They move a certain way which is very easy for any individual to ape. A lot of what they own is achieved through...Read More
It is the dream of every person to become wealthy and successful in life. We so much admire those who are great investors. Unfortunately, we fail to follow every step that they followed to achieve. All we need to know is how easy we can get cash forgetting that we must sweat. If you ask...Read More
Holding such an informative show just 20 days to the general elections was a brilliant idea. With well informed guests, Daniel Maithya ( Social Media Specialist )Read More
Trendis lets users search for curated content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. (PRWEB) July 18, 2017 Trendis, the first social media search engine app, has officially launched in theiTunes and Google Play app stores. Trendis is a ground-breaking content discovery platform that provides users access to the most trending content across multiple social networks...Read More
The life we live in is turning to be stressful day in day out. Stress is unavoidable but that does not mean we should give it the power to cripple us down. When we are stressed we resort to a lot of unhealthy doings that ends up stressing us more because the results are either...Read More
True bilingualism is a relatively rare and a beautiful thing, and by “true,” I mean speaking two languages with the proficiency of a native — something most of us will only dream of as we struggle with learning languages in school and beyond. Highly competent bilingualism is probably more common in other countries, since...Read More
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. This is so evident on her face. Grace Gituma, the founder and the C.E.O at African Yarn-mades company which deals with craft work, is a jovial, intelligent, full of life and...Read More
By John Kamau There were powerful men in the Nyayo regime; and then there was Nicholas Biwott. Mr Biwott, who died on Tuesday aged 77, was part of a political and commercial network that in the 1980s and 90s bestrode the national political landscape like a colossus, creating fear and peddling influence. By using his...Read More
Daniel Maithya, founder of RoyalTrendia has partnered with National Coalition of Human Rights defenders in Kenya to run a Twitter chat dubbed #CredibleElectionKE to educate Kenyans in the electioneering process with the main focus on election observers and monitors. It is every citizens’ right to take part and to be informed fully on public affairs....Read More
By Minnie Karanja (Rwanda) Unmet Family Planning needs for adolescent girls is the new challenge that women empowerment and gender equality movement is apparently faced with today. In fact it is a rather gigantic problem according to some UN agencies and international women’s agencies, foundations and organizations. Forthis reason, during this year’s celebration of World...Read More
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