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Embrace The Process – Hold On And Keep Being Faithful.

embrace the process quotes, enjoy the process, trust the process, embrace meaning

Maybe this year, you watched your friends or colleagues do exciting new things you could only ever dream of doing. Perhaps you went to wedding after wedding and it seems like the timeline of meeting your husband gets further away by the day. Maybe your peers are having babies or getting their dream jobs and you’re the only one who doesn’t have the things she been praying for.

If that’s you, know that God hasn’t forgotten you, but He also doesn’t want you to forget the process. He doesn’t want you to forget that good things take time and that you are growing day by day, like a tree, but trees do not grow overnight. He doesn’t want you to forget that He is faithful, and you have to trust Him because He knows what He is doing.

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers. – Psalm ‭1:3‬

Hold on and keep being faithful. Don’t allow yourself to become disheartened by the people that seem to keep moving ahead while you’re moving backward. You may have to work a little harder or wait a little longer but in Jesus’ name, none of it will be in vain. You will look back and see that the years you spent being faithful to Him were all worth it. So hold onto Him. He is faithful in shaping you and equipping you for the things to come, so be faithful to Him. There is so much more in store than what you’ve been seeing and how you’ve been feeling.

Written by @MorganHNichols for #TheDevoCo

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About the author

Daniel Maithya is the Founder and CEO of RoyalTrendia. He is the 2019 Top 100 Most Influential Young Kenyans according to Avance Media, FOYA East Africa Social Founder of the year 2020 award winner and a Digital Media Strategist. Cell: 0705 921 599 |

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