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Forgive, find Freedom and Move on


Even when others have done you wrong, don’t allow yourself to carry baggage from old friendships and old relationships into new ones.

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. – Ephesians 4:32

When we forgive those who hurt us in the past, whether it was someone you called a friend, a sister, or even someone you were dating, you have to remember that forgiveness involves letting go as well.

Don’t allow yourself to say things like “All women do is cause drama,” or “Church people are the worst,” or “I’m fine by myself because guys will always let me down.” When you let these kind of words fill your heart and the way you think about others, you’re letting that old hurt and those old experiences still take up residence in your life.

The hurt may be real, but you have to let it go, and trust that God is going to deal with the people who caused that pain. Your job is to let go and find freedom in doing so.

One sure way to find and build real Christian community is to find freedom in Christ. Find freedom in forgiving all of those who hurt you or cause you to question people’s motives and agendas.

It’s so important that we let go of these things, because it keeps us from moving forward. It keeps us from being able to be build godly, healthy relationships in the future.

So, don’t hone in on all of the wrong that has been done to you. What they did to you very well might not be justified, but let God be the One who deals with their actions.

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Let go of all the bitterness that’s been building up and take the higher road. Forgive, find freedom, and move on.

Written by Morgan Harper-Nichols for #TheDevoCo

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Daniel Maithya is the Founder and CEO of RoyalTrendia. He is the 2019 Top 100 Most Influential Young Kenyans according to Avance Media, FOYA East Africa Social Founder of the year 2020 award winner and a Digital Media Strategist. Cell: 0705 921 599 |

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