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#KenyaChat : Clean Water And Sanitation


All citizens should be sensitised on water storage so as to avoid wastages during rains and crisis when rain lacks.


This can be achieved through formation cooperative societies i.e self help groups that will help people buy tanks at a much cheaper price due to the economies of scale.

– Margaret Gachuri,

Nyeri County.

Twitter: @margaretGachuri




Ensuring sustainable management of water and sanitation for all is a major concern which should be implemented by 2030.


We should put effort to achieve a universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all irrespective of the class in the society.


We expect to improve the water quality by investing in abstraction of safe ground water and controlling the pollution of surface water and rain water. We expect  to eliminate the dumping sites which releases  harmful chemicals and materials into the water bodies through seepage process.


This goal can be achieved by ensuring we use our water sustainably across all sectors, and this will address the water scarcity issues. For sustainable water management, we need an intergrated water resources management at all levels, stakeholders are also required to synergize their effort to achieve the common goal of water sustainability.


Lastly we should protect our water ecosystems including the water towers, wetlands, aquifers and lakes. Let’s not say that “water comes from heaven”, water comes from our environment.. Let’s ensure we use our water resources sustainably to achieve goal 6.

– Faith arroisa Nyabuto

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Kisii county

Twitter: @ArroisaFaith2


I think in Kenya there is enough water, the problem is how the water is managed. If you have noticed, the the water services board don’t work as well as they used long ago, i mean they could have laid good systems to harvest and recycle sewerages and rain water.


Empowering the water services board could be the Joshua to quench Kenya’s thirst.

-Bob Mwangi,

Mombasa county

Twitter: @bobmwangih




Measures should be taken to ensure proper disposal of solid waste and domestic waste water. Research should be done,to ensure treatment of waste water is done in the near future to help cater for high demand of water.


Protection of catchment areas should advocated and water storage facilities should be constructed  thus reducing fluctuation of water supply during the dry seasons. Boreholes should dug to supplement other sources of water.

– Francis Karumba,

Nakuru County.




For sustainable,reliable and  efficient water supply two main factors should be considered. To begin with ensure there is enough water all year long.


This can be achieved through: Encourage water harvesting during the rainy season- including the flooding water; protecting the water catchment areas;desalinization of salty water in the lakes and aquifers and lastly drilling of boreholes in arid and semi arid areas.


Secondly its the sanitation factor. It can be achieved by; chemical purification process, ensure that water storage facilities are clean and built in a clean environment

By Joseph Kabiru,

Nyeri county.

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Twitter: @Josse_Kabiru




Every Kenyan is entitled to clean drinking water,sanition and sewerage services as stipulated in  “The Human Right to Safe Drinking Water”. To ensure this,the following measures should be put in place


1. Various water and sewerage companies should ensure that every homestead has access to clean water and sewerage services.

2. All taps should not be left running while not in use

3. Landlords should ensure that they have enough storage tanks

3. Water shoyld not be pumbed direct from the supply tap/ tunnel/pipe.

4. Wash our hands with soape.g dettol, protex


– Stanley,

Embu county

Twitter: @Skharlifa




Due to climate change, the weather patterns are unfavorable hence we cant always rely on rain water as much.It is with this effect that boreholes should be dug to supplement and maintained by being treated and piped to homesteads.


Other natural water bodies can be used (eg Lake Victoria) to pump water and piped to homesteads.Rarieda constituency is a case study here.

– Collins Onyango,

Nairobi County.

Twitter: @iamkfavor

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