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Social Media in Kenya. What is the name of Kenyan parliament? How many members of parliament are in Kenya? Who is the speaker of the National Assembly in Kenya? Who are the members of the parliament?

The premature announcement of Nyeri Governor Wahome Gakuru death on social media has pushed two members of the August House to seek laws that govern the use of social media in Kenya.

Honorable Stephen Mule (Matungulu) and Sammy Seroney (nominated) – both from Wiper democratic movement – criticized the manner in which social media is being used to demean others by spreading malicious falsehoods.

“We need as members to come up with laws to deal with the social media, as an MP, even before you know your fate, you are already condemned death by the social media,” said Mule. “I know it is within the powers of this house, without fear or favor, to deal with such issues within the law. I want to urge the public please don’t misuse social media to harm other families.”

Citing the spreading rumors of the late NyeriGorverner, Seroney lamented that Facebook and Twitter have become a room for speculation and hatred. Also adding that they “need to look into this issue of social media as a house. I got shocked when I read some funny things about the late governor. If we don’t get a way of putting our speed governor on this social media it will destroy this country, it will destroy all of us,”

However, the two members of parliament did not suggest how social media can or will be governed and now Kenyans can only wait for the fate of their social media platforms.

Roles of Mps in Kenya

Kenya has a total of 349 Members of Parliament; 290 elected from the constituencies, 47 women elected from the counties and 12 nominated representatives. The speaker serves as an ex officiol member.

  1. Mps in Kenya represents the people of the constituencies and special interests in the National Assembly.
  2. Mps in Kenya deliberates on and resolves issues of concern to the people.
  3. Mps in Kenya enacts legislation in accordance with Part 4 of this Chapter.
  4. Kenyan MPS —
    1. determines the allocation of national revenue between the levels of government, as provided in Part 4 of Chapter Twelve;
    2. appropriates funds for expenditure by the national government and other national State organs; and
    3.  exercises oversight over national revenue and its expediture.
  5. Kenyan MPS–
    1. reviews the conduct in office of the President, the Deputy President and other State officers and initiates the process of removing them from office; and
    2.  exercises oversight of State organs.
  6. Kenyan MPS approves declarations of war and extensions of states of emergency.
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