Electronics brand Vision Plus on Wednesday launched its new range of high-quality frameless E-LED TVs in the Kenyan capital Nairobi with the aim of creating a name for Kenya in the global consumer electronic market.
The company’s long-term vision is to introduce a wide range of consumer electronics in the Kenyan market, with their current repertoire consisting of varying sizes of 4K Android TVs and high-tech sound systems.
“Being the new Kenyan consumer electronics Brand, we take it upon on ourselves to put Kenya on the map in terms of consumer electronics and create a reputation for our brand that is backed by our customers,” Managing Director Umesh Bhojwani said.
Vision Plus is a brand and trademark under Kryptonite International Limited which was founded two years ago.
It was created to provide high-quality electronic products to the market at affordable prices.
The brand has registered 100% growth since trading began two years ago and it attributes this success to exploitation of the existing marketing gap and its quality standards.