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Dr. Richard Munang’s Speech: Climate Change Engendering an Inclusive Africa

Richard Munang. Dr. Richard Munang is the United Nations Environment Africa Regional Climate Change Programme Coordinator.

Below is the speech delivered by Dr. Richard Munang, UN Environment Africa Climate Change Coordinator on 18th May 2017 at United States International University.

“Engendering an inclusive Africa under climate change: The power of Innovative Volunteerism”

Thank you. Distinguished guests, Respected Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen: I am honored to be with you today

This is an important time. If ever there was a time to gather together, it is now

In the life of any nation or continent there exist decisions upon which the future of that nation or continent depends. Recognizing that there is a time to gather stones and a time to scatter them can be the turning point.

We are 2 years into the implementation of the Sustainable development Goals and the continent of Africa is faced with insurmountable challenges that are unprecedented in their scale and complexity- climate change & ecological degradation, poverty ,food insecurity, unemployment and the list goes on. But no problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.

(Statement of Purpose)

As the African proverb goes “Abundance will make cotton pull a stone”.

Let’s face it Africa is a continent endowed with natural wealth more than any other. I am talking about 65% of the world’s arable land, and 10% of its inland fresh water resources. I am talking about the abundant renewable energy potential among these – hydro potential estimated at 1852TWh annually, 3 times the continents current.

The best solar resource in the entire planet – Where for example DRC enjoys 1,739 hours of sunlight every year, Nigeria enjoys 1,885, Sudan clocks in 3,814 sunny days. Kenya enjoys an average of 2525 hours of sunlight per year with an average of 6.9 hours of sunlight per day.

I am talking about an agro-value chain that can reduce poverty 2-4 times faster than any other sector according to the World Bank. Am talking about a 300 million strong growing middle class. Representing a growing domestic market for value added produce that can catalyze growth of local industries.

Respected Colleagues Ladies and Gentlemen,
Amidst this seeming abundance, it’s an unacceptable that any mother in Africa should bury their 5 year old because of hunger. It is unacceptable that over 50% of Africans are in extreme poverty.

It is unacceptable that above 240 million Africans go to bed hungry. It is unacceptable that as a continent $68bn is been lost annually due to ecological degradation – literally over $15 million going down the drain daily. It is unacceptable that the continent is spending $35 billion annually to import food, and losses along the entire agro-value chain is costing the continent about $48 billion worth of food.

It is unacceptable that 620 million are energy impoverished.

As we speak there is climate change which is already defining the contours of the continent more dramatically than any other in this century -representing an ever increasing threat, projected to impact agro-productivity in ways that we have never seen before. The UNEP 2015 Africa Adaptation Gap Report observes that for a below 2 degree C global warming scenario the agriculture sector will be hit by up to 40% yield declines, and result in a 25 – 90% increase in incidences of undernourishment

Though these challenges may seem insurmountable, there is one challenge which if left unaddressed could have more dramatic consequences. This is the youth bulge. The majority of Africa’s population is youthful and up to 60% of them are unemployed. In 8 years from today, the number of Africans reaching working age will exceed the rest of the world combined.

Already, frustrated by the lack of opportunities, many youth are risking their lives on perilous journeys in search of a better life in other continents. Without affordable, practical and innovative solutions to address the socioeconomic challenges which drive youth unemployment and migration, actualizing the SDGs will just be a far-fetched dream, It will just be a mirage, It will just be elusive.

(Thesis statement)
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
The globe is becoming increasingly interconnected and Opportunities in one part of the globe could catalyze complementary opportunities in other parts. Similarly, shocks in one part could impact lives thousands of miles away. For example, trade ministers from across the globe adopted the “Nairobi package” of the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference. This seeming distant global act unlocked potential to actualize a $20bn export market for Africa’s agriculture. The adoption of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, set the stage for Africa to bridge the energy gap, optimize & climate proof its food systems and realize sustainable agro-industrialization worth up to $1trillion in the next 13 years.

On the flip side, the over 40% decline in global commodity prices has resulted in a $63 – $88.2bn loss in continental revenue. With accompanying effects including rising inflation, thousands in job losses, currency depreciations, slashed development budgets among critical impacts directly threatening the continents growth.

But when optimally managed, this increasingly mixed bag of challenges and opportunities represents the best chance we have as a continent, to actualize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). And for this to happen, complementary action from all of us, targeted at a shared objective – optimizing productivity of catalytic sectors for which we hold a comparative advantage as a continent – is an urgent imperative.

Distinguished Colleagues, this continent doesn’t lack Ideas, This continent doesn’t lack Innovations. Africa has everything it takes to move from Talk to Action. The Africa I am talking about is the Africa that proudly shines at the Olympics. The Africa I am talking about is the Africa with a strong and diverse economic base and richness in culture. The Africa I am talking about is the Africa where the energy and creativity of more than 200 million young women and men are creating new and exciting businesses and industries. The Africa I am talking about is the Africa of endless possibility that can vanquish poverty and hunger put prosperity into the cockpit of progress.
“Africa will write its own history and both north and south of the Sahara it will be a history full of glory and dignity.” working towards this fulfillment is surely on the shoulders of each succeeding generation. It is no longer tenable to keep talking about Africa’s great potential; rather, it is time to fulfill that potential for the benefit of present and future generations. Knowing fully well that Africa’s past has long been defined by natural resources, its future should be defined by bringing together the collective strengths of its people’s skills and talent.

The message is one and it’s very clear. The parable of lack amidst plentiful opportunities is Africa’s Achilles heel and this needs to be addressed.

Starting 1st Jan 2016, the architecture of global development changed and Africa, like the rest of the world, woke up to newer, promising opportunities building on what the global community of nations did in 2015. 2015 was the year of connecting dots. In September, the world unanimously adopted the SDGs and Agenda 2030, where No One is Left Behind. In December 2015, the global community negotiated and adopted the Paris COP21 agreement which all dovetail with Africa’s own AU Agenda 2063 with intent to create the Africa We Want and provide the high level strategic and policy framework that could will potentially transition the continent into economic, social and environmental progress in the next 13 years.
Drawing wisdom from a famous African proverb, “a man does not wander far from where his corn is roasting”. Africa’s “corn” is definitely roasting. The continent should therefore not wander far from its catalytic sectors that can drive the continent’s development and prosperity.

And there is a formula of how this can be done to ensure the continent doesn’t wander far way from where its corn is been roasted: Leveraging catalytic sectors for which the continent holds comparative advantage, through dedicating resources available to the continent. These physical (such as technological, institutional, financial, the demographic dividend, where the majority of Sub-Saharan Africa is below the age 25) and non-physical (including intellectual, partnerships, policies, networks) resources could all be converted for a comparative advantage with a global competitive edge
I am calling on each of us to dedicate these physical and non-physical resources we have at our disposal towards a shared objective. To convert the comparative advantage we hold in clean energy and sustainable agriculture resources into global leadership in clean energy powered agro-industrialization. That will simultaneously solve socio-economic challenges alongside meeting climate objectives under the Paris Agreement. And this is the essence of innovative volunteerism. The winning formula. That will create income & wealth opportunities at community, country & continental level
Distinguished Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, as the African proverb goes, “When the cock crows, it signals a new day”. With this discussion, we are signaling the start of a new day, a new narrative to catalyze a new mindset and winning actions which are urgently needed if we are to truly create income & wealth opportunities and vanquish the lions of food insecurity, poverty, unemployment and actualize multiple SDGs. Africa need a Bold New Normal where everyone prospers not as a right but because they can and they should and the actions of innovative volunteerism is the way to go.

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Where we focus our collective efforts and resources in linking sustainable Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) driven agriculture to clean energy based value addition. The linkages of these two key areas will help eliminate inefficiencies, such as post-harvest losses, currently accounting for an average annual loss of $48bn. It will reverse ecosystems degradation and enhance retrieval of the $68bn lost annually to land degradation. This integration is projected to potentially create as many as 17 million jobs along the entire agro-value chain, earn an additional $20bn annually from agro-trade and catalyze an agro-sector projected to be worth $1trillion in less than 13 years. So our voluntary complementary effort, targeted at this integrated approach can converts the continent’s comparative advantage to a competitive edge and this is Africa’s winning formula.

Pockets of success and move from talk to action

Innovative Volunteerism is not blind optimism. Innovative Volunteerism is already on the move demonstrating that the strength of this paradigm. The spirit of innovative volunteerism is mobilizing youth groups through the Ecosystems Based Adaptation for Food Security Assembly (EBAFOSA)- in so many countries across the continent.

EBAFOSA is a solutions space that bridges gaps in financing, in policy processes, in techniques, in technology among others to achieve implementation through fostering partnerships between solutions providers- ensuring EBA driven agricultural approaches are linked to commercial value-chains, especially access to affordable financing, efficient access to markets and accessible clean energy to catalyze agro-processing industry and up-scaled to being the norm in policy and practice across the entire continent.

For example, Democratic Republic of Congo, through the EBAFOSA Framework a group of graduate youthful “agripreneurs” have channelled their skills, networks and capital to optimise the cassava value chain. These young people process cassava into flour, package it, standardise it and sell to bakers. With this integration, the youth generate up to $4,000 as weekly income, translating to $16,000 monthly and $196,000 annual income.

In Nigeria through the EBAFOSA Framework premised on the spirit of innovative volunteerism mobilized youth groups have volunteered their skills and partner with farmer cooperatives with the aim of developing EbA farming and expanding reach of EbA actions in Nigeria. This farm is being linked to markets and other commercial value chains to increase earnings. Over 1,000 youth are currently engaged.

In Kenya through EBAFOSA, innovative volunteerism partnerships have been fostered with the private sector to encourage solar powered irrigation. Thanks to the spirit of volunteerism this solar powered irrigation enterprise has partnered with farmer groups in the country to enhance its use. These attempts in Kenya are helping actualize the country’s priorities of climate smart, resource efficient agriculture while also offsetting carbon and catalyzing progress towards clean energy powered agro-industry.

In Malawi, through the EBAFOSA Framework stakeholders have engaged with the Malawi Bureau of Standards to develop quality standards for the sesame crop, a high value and drought resistant crop. This partnership is enhancing the marketability of the sesame crop, enhancing earnings from this crop and incentivizing its wide-scale growth. Cumulatively, this is combating poverty and food insecurity.

The formula to engendering an inclusive Africa and ensuring collective progress and prosperity is on the move. Such pockets of success are a clarion call and an encouragement for us to build on them and create full scale solutions. And for this, a number of key market enablers and incentives that needs to be in place. And it is our voluntary, but targeted complementary actions that will establish these enablers.
And let us not despise ourselves. As the African proverb goes – “if you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven’t spent the night with a mosquito”. If we don’t despise ourselves, our collective actions will move mountains. EBAFOSA provides you with that opportunity to make a difference. So let’s dig in our heels for action as follows:

Innovative financing to enhance innovative volunteerism
Financing is always the elephant in the room. For instance, climate adaptation is projected to cost Africa a minimum of $50bn annually by 2050. Energy needs $55bn annually until 2030. We are hypnotized by these figures to the point of being blinded to practical home grown solutions that dot our continent.

Fintech: On clean energy financing, in Kenya for example, the combination of the ICT and financial services, popularly known as fintech, provides a test case that we need to upscale. M-kopa, a pay-as-you-go decentralized solar solutions company is leveraging on the world renowned M-Pesa mobile money solution to provide flexible payment that is expanding domestic electricity access to off-grid areas. Through this model, M-Kopa has electrified up to 400,000 rural homes across East Africa. The M-kopa model is an example of a practical, innovative environmental solution that countries in Africa can implement and expand coverage to finance decentralized clean energy for industrial applications, especially agro-value addition.
Maximize diaspora remittances for the catalytic areas: remittances to the continent are projected to top $42bn annually and this is about 2% of continental GDP. These monies go directly to households. To ensure they contribute to accelerating actualization of SDGs, governments need to ensure recipients of diaspora funds have opportunities to invest them in catalytic the area. Developing policy incentives for banks to develop loan products for enterprises based on the catalytic sectors and targeted at recipients of diaspora remittances is a sure way to go. Such loan facilities should offer competitively priced / low interest loans to recipients of these diaspora funds based on their remittance transaction records and tied to investment in enterprises in the catalytic areas of EBA driven Agriculture and linkage to clean energy powered value addition.

In the spirit of innovative volunteerism, am taking this opportunity to call upon the finance, ICT and clean energy stakeholders in our audience today to volunteer their skills, experience and technical knowhow and explore the practicality of maximizing the m-kopa model on two dimensions. First, how we can enrich it with diaspora remittances as an additional financing stream.

And secondly, how we can expand coverage to finance decentralized clean energy for industrial applications- Dedicated to power agro-industrial zones.

Distinguished Colleagues, on adaptation financing, the rise of credit risk sharing facilities for the agriculture sector once again provides an excellent test case to build on. Private sector lending to the catalytic sectors remains under developed due to perceived high risk. To remedy this, risk sharing facilities that cover key risk factors of climate risk (driven by climate change induced crop failure) and financial risk (driven by repayment defaults) can be implemented. Based on the successfully applied concept of Incentive Based Risk Sharing Facilities for Agriculture Lending, that are incentivizing private sector financing of the agro-value chain, EBAFOSA, partnerships between state and non-state actors are introducing an EBA component to ensure these facilities simultaneously finance climate adaptation. The principle is to leverage on the climate risk mitigating properties of EBA to lower the crop failure risk and hence lower interest payable. By this, the loans offered through this model become more affordable to incentivize there wide-scale use..

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Right here in Kenya, EBAFOSA Kenya stakeholders are working with the Kenya county government of Makueni (the first in Africa to legislate creation of a climate change fund to domestically finance resilience building efforts) to leverage the climate change fund for additional private sector resources. The fund is setting aside a % of the portfolio so it can securitize up to 10times this amount in private banks. These securitized monies will be loaned to entrepreneurs engaged in actions that optimize the agro-value chain using EBA and clean energy. Hence indirectly finance up scaling EBA-Driven Agriculture and clean energy agro-value addition to create multiple low carbon, higher order income & job opportunities This facility covers both climate risk through use of climate risk mitigating EBA approaches & financial risk through the cash deposit to cover defaults. So as you can see, innovative volunteerism actions are already unlocking domestic climate financing. Through EBAFOSA, this success in Kenya will be replicated across Africa.
Trade as incentive for innovative volunteerism
Distinguished colleagues, we cannot ignore trade as a key enabler. As we gather here today, intra-Africa, trade is the lowest in the world at 12% compared to 25% in South East Asia, 65% in Western Europe and 45% in North America. With the growing middleclass demanding high value processed agro-products, the implication is that Africa is losing out on a potential regional market that can earn the region an extra $20bn annually. A significant incentive for establishing competitive local agro-industrialization. But recent progress offers a sliver of hope.

The adoption of the WTO “Nairobi package” abolished rich government subsidies. A major cause of damping of cheap products on our shores. This damping of goods that are up to 50% cheaper than local products in effect kills local industry, dis-incentivizing regional integration. But the “Nairobi Package” is set to level global agriculture markets and reduce this damping. This is an added incentive to engage in innovative volunteerism, ratchet up a competitive agro-industry in Africa, to fill up the void left as the subsidized goods leave our shores. The time is now!

Dedicated standardization as enabler of innovative volunteerism
Distinguished colleagues ladies and gentlemen, quality standardization is a critical market enabler to building a competitive industry. In Africa, while 80% of our producers use nature based, EBA approaches that are organic, we continue to lose out on the billion dollar global organic foods industry. This industry was valued at $84bn in 2014, and is projected to grow to be worth $212bn by 2020. Africa is losing out on this cash cow aligned to its area of strength. But this can change with introduction of quality standards and certifications targeted at formalizing Africa’s products & production processes. And in the spirit innovative volunteerism, EBAFOSA is already mobilizing complementary partnerships to this end. The aim is to establish an EBAFOSA compliance standard with national standardization bodies in countries. Which will embody both organic & climate resilient, low carbon production coupled with general safety and quality. This will be a stepping stone towards getting certifications to access export markets where organic products are sold at a premium. By this, EBAFOSA will curve a niche of both organic & environmental compliance approaches hence incentivize their up scaled use in the mainstream.

Already early successes can be recorded. In Malawi, EBAFOSA Malawi stakeholders have engaged with the Malawi Bureau of Standards to develop quality standards for the sesame crop, a high value and drought resistant crop. This partnership is enhancing the marketability of the sesame crop, enhancing earnings from this crop and incentivizing its wide-scale growth. Cumulatively, this is combating poverty and food insecurity, and building bio-physical resilience given that the crop is drought-resistant.

Here in Kenya, EBAFOSA Kenya is working with the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) towards developing an EBAFOSA compliance standard as earlier expounded. In the spirit of innovative volunteerism, am calling upon anyone in this audience with experience and networks on standardization, including with the regulator, to engage the EBAFOSA Kenya leadership and complement their ongoing effort.
ICT as an enabler of innovative volunteerism
Distinguished colleagues Ladies and Gentlemen, There are over 650 million mobile users in Africa, surpassing the number in the United States or Europe. With the increasing affordability of internet enabled phones, over 60% of mobile phones in Africa are internet enabled. This coupled with a proliferation of software technologies represents potential for efficient access to markets & supply chains critical to maximizing agro-productivity. In the spirit of innovative volunteerism, EBAFOSA is leveraging on this technological advancement to incentivize upscaled use of EBA approaches and clean energy value addition. This by leveraging on ICT to offer end-to-end connectivity of EBA & clean energy to enablers including markets – both demand & supply; financing, extension & advisory among others.

Through EdenSys, an end-to-end agri-business management mobile app, developed right here in Kenya, we are integrating the entire agro-value chain. The EdenSys app, accessible by phone, has mapped out and archived all intervening services needed to optimize the entire agro-value chain in Kenya and neighbouring countries. Thanks to this app, an EBA farmer can at the comfort of their phone, establish linkage of their produce to demand markets as well as source for inputs & extension advisory services. They can apply for a loan to expand their enterprise.

They can contact and link with clean energy powered value added services – be it irrigation, storage, or processing. Likewise, an industrialist can establish links to markets for their value added agro-products. They can link with financial services & apply for loans and expand their businesses. They can link to farmers for supply of raw products. They can link with vendors of agro-value addition machinery and other clean energy machinery component suppliers. Traders and other resellers are likewise not left out. They can source for both fresh & processed goods for retail.

Through innovative volunteerism, we are contextualizing available tech solutions to convert Africa’s comparative advantage in resources into a globally competitive clean energy powered agro-industry. Do not be left out. Engage through your EBAFOSA National branch and be part of the solutions process in Africa, now and into the future.

Distinguished colleagues Ladies and Gentlemen,
Talking of the future, In the words of a famous African proverb, “where you will sit when you are old shows where you stood in youth”.

I believe you will agree with me that our youth are the present and future of Africa. You will agree with me that your ideas can spark creativity & enable their entrepreneurship. You will agree with me that you are the center piece of this civilization we intend to build through innovative volunteerism. Have you not heard that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams?
As the biggest stakeholders of Africa’s future, dreaming, and dreaming big for Africa is what all of you should do. And don’t dare stop at your dreams – arise from slumber, roll up your sleeves and create the dreams. Make them happen. You are endowed by our creator with inherent capacity to dream and create your dreams. And by so doing, take leadership in transforming Africa to be at the apex of global development where it ought to be. The message is simple. It is time to fly towards creating your dreams and transforming Africa to be the shining city on the hill. It is time to passionately engage in innovative volunteerism.

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“What if I can’t fly yet?” I hear someone ask. The response will be in the words of Martin Luther King Jr, “if you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward”.

[Bring in Pascoal]
And granted some of you could be facing seemingly insurmountable challenges. But they are not beyond you. Let me encourage you with the story of Pascoal Silverio Arlindo Diomba. A Mozambican youth just like yourselves.

Pascoal was born in 1990. I was introduced to him by a colleague who met him in a small village called Pemba in 2013.

Back then barely in his 20s, he was translating for a meeting. Young as he was, he amazed with his listening skills and his ability to simultaneously translate words from
Portuguese to English and vice versa. But his background was far from glorious. Partially blinded as a child, Pascoal would encounter difficulty studying and interacting with his able bodied colleagues. As if that were not bad enough, he lost his mom, his source of emotional and physical strength at a young age.

His life seemed doomed. It seemed he had hit a brick wall with nowhere to turn. Driven by his dreams to be somebody in life, the partial blindness forced him to sharpen his listening skills. And excel in school to qualify for university where he studied Environmental Management. He didn’t stop there. After graduating, he volunteered his knowledge, skills, and talents in the relevant sectors aligned with his line of training. This allowed him to network, meet industry leaders, receive mentorship, refine his technical skills, showcase his talents, skills & knowledge and position himself for a quick rise up the ranks.

Now in his mid-twenties, Pascoal has moved 4 different jobs, leveraging on experiences and networks in one job to get a subsequent better job. I will not be surprised if I see him on TV sharing his story of rise to an iconic African entrepreneur. Whatever he chooses, he is on track. If Pascoal is making it despite his disability, how much more you?

[End Pascoal, pivot back on innovative volunteerism]
This is the power of volunteerism towards a bigger goal. The power of focus. The power of maturity. Which is what I am calling you to embrace and act on today. “Where do I start” you may ask? Innovative volunteerism as I have explained before is the answer. Package your competences and dreams, whatever they may be, – be they in science, in history, in engineering, in the performing arts, in politics, in entrepreneurship of any field – towards the shared objective of complementing the actualization of sustainable agro-industrialization in Africa.

Africa stands to earn as much as $1 trillion in 13 years from today and create 17million jobs. By so doing, you will be part of this success. Not only creating it, but savoring and enjoying it. This is the way to go. And the EBAFOSA Policy Action framework provides a ready platform for engagement. To ensure your actions will not be in a vacuum.

“What will I gain right away” you may ask?
Like Pascoal, through volunteering the skills, knowledge and resources at your disposal towards this bigger goal of industrializing Africa’s agriculture, you get to network, meet and interact with industry leaders. You showcase your skills, get mentored to refine them and earn practical hands on experience that positions you competitively in the labour markets. Get business connections and position yourself for great income opportunities in future. Whatever you choose, you be part of the trillion dollar Africa agro-economy to be realized by 2030. Let this never Give Up attitude of Pascaol energize all of us. That we can through innovative volunteerism, simultaneously develop ourselves and contribute substantively towards development of our countries & continent.

An Optimist in Chief
And that is why I am an optimist and will always remain one. The world may seem to be in a terrible mess today, but what I have learned has shown me that there is hope. Hopelessness destroys the will to live and the ego of self. It is only by holding onto hope, and promoting hope in others, that we can change Africa and the world.

My Story
I grew up in a small village in the North western Part of Cameroon and there is a saying which goes “ better Little than too little” No one can take the little that is destined for you. But first you must make the effort to work to get the little. Sometimes it’s not always easy.

I grew up herding goats in my village and the only hope was the inspiration from my parents that with hard work and perseverance everyone’s dreams are valid. I went to school without shoes but the inspiration was simple- with hard work combined with passion and perservance there a better tomorrow. I was not born into wealth and opportunity. When I finished high school my parents struggled to send me to university. When I finished university, I stayed for 1 year volunteering to gain skills and through perseverance; I won a scholarship to study in one of the prestigious universities in the world at the University Nottingham in the UK and later on went to Harvard University Kennedy School of Government to pursue an Executive Education on Climate Change and Energy Policy Making. Better little than too little, I made effort to get the little. It is now the turn for all the African youths to make their own effort to get their own little. All of you here today have the blessing of an education – and knowledge is power. Use your knowledge and your pens to promote hope and change Africa and the world. Write about Africa. Tweet about Africa. And take on the mantle of changing Africa.

I am therefore calling upon each and every one of us, to speak the language of Innovative Volunteerism, feed on meals of Innovative Volunteerism, sing songs of Innovative Volunteerism and sound the bells of Innovative Volunteerism. Innovative Volunteerism is the Tune, and Melody.

It is unacceptable that in 2017 any mother in Africa should bury their 5 year old because of hunger- That should usher us to action

It is unacceptable that in 2017 over 50% of Africans are in extreme poverty- That should usher us to action
It is unacceptable that in 2017 above 240 million Africans go to bed hungry- That should usher us to action

It is unacceptable that in 2017 over 625 million Africans are energy impoverished.- That should usher us to action

It is unacceptable that the continent is spending $35 billion annually to import food, and $48 billion losses along the entire agro-value chain worth of food- That should usher us to action.

It is unacceptable to have over 60% of Unemployed youth across the African continent- That should usher us to action.

It is now time to put aside our fine words, pick up our tools and march forward in the spirit of innovative volunteerism and start to actualize the glorious promise of the SDGs for ourselves and future generations– to ensure No One is truly Left Behind.

The glorious future is in our hands and we have everything it takes to move from Talk to Action. We have everything it takes to influence the present and shape the future for the collective benefit of all.

Let us move forward and seize the moment.

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About the author

Daniel Maithya is the Founder and CEO of RoyalTrendia. He is the 2019 Top 100 Most Influential Young Kenyans according to Avance Media, FOYA East Africa Social Founder of the year 2020 award winner and a Digital Media Strategist. Cell: 0705 921 599 |

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